Showrounds alone don’t cut it anymore. But selling with SIMPLE VIDEO does… and it’s INCREDIBLY effective.

You’re probably aware the way that hospitality and events are being sold, has changed

Nowadays it’s not JUST a case of inviting a client in for a showround of your venue or hotel…

Because the last couple of years have shown us the simplicity of buying online – and that also means selling with simple video.

But what is simple video?

Well, it’s a person to camera video that your sales team can record on their phones, it’s natural, it’s authentic and it only takes 30 seconds.

So, why is selling with simple video so important? 

Quite simply, it helps your team to build relationships faster by making personalised videos that help them connect with clients, communicate better, and differentiate them from the competition.

All of which means your team will stand out AND get to where you want them to get, much quicker – converting sales.

But there ARE challenges for any Sales Leaders that want to adopt selling with simple video.

And the first one is getting your team over that barrier of self-consciousness – because let’s face it, a lot of people still don’t want to record videos when it comes down to it.

Now, whether that’s because they’re shy, afraid, don’t think they know enough about the subject, or even because they’ve done videos before and they didn’t really work…

But they NEED to get over that barrier – and that’s the challenge. 

My name’s Mark Gallen, and I’m a Sales Professional in the UK, and in the last 4 years I’ve spent countless hours training sales teams how to sell with video.

Normally, I spend my time with big hotel chains such as Marriott, delivering workshops all over the country, and normally you’d have to book an entire day for sales training.

Which would normally cost upward of a couple of thousand pounds.

So, I’ve got an offer for you:

A FREE one-hour virtual workshop with me, Mark Gallen, reviewing your simple videos – giving you feedback and advice on how to improve your video style, delivery, and message.  

Now, this will also include FREE access to Sales Gym, our online training platform for FIVE sales people from your business, so you can make the most of the opportunity.

You’ll get access to a training course called ‘Sell with Simple Video’, which contains ten videos on how to make a great looking video.

Once you’ve all completed the course, you’ll create a video and send it over to me…

We’ll then have our one-hour virtual workshop and I’ll review and feedback on your videos.

I don’t normally do this sort of thing for FREE, but I realise that there have been some BIG changes in the way we sell in the hospitality and events space in the last couple of years – and it’s here to stay.

And to be completely honest with you, I want to make it as easy as I can for the right sort of businesses to get a feel for what it’s like working with me, so that hopefully we can develop that relationship and work together in the future.

Which means I’m looking for businesses where I can add value, work with your sales team, and help you adopt simple video to convert more sales. 

So, you might be wondering what we’ll be covering in the training…

Well, we’ll help your team use the latest video recording app, show them how to make a great video, but most importantly help them set a video strategy for the future so they’re set up for success. 

Now is the PERFECT time for sales teams to adopt and capitalise on selling with video – BEFORE your competition gets ahead of the game.

BUT because I want to make sure I can devote the right amount of time to this training, including tailoring the content to you, watching your videos, and preparing the feedback…

I only have space for THREE businesses 

And because there’s only three FREE spaces available, if you’re thinking about just booking on for an hour, this might not be right for you – this is about introducing you to selling with simple video and starting your journey.

So, if you think selling with simple video might be right for your business, please click the ‘Book a Chat’ button below, and let’s go from there. 

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